3 Ways to Help You Capture Leads and Generate Sales Now

Business owners of Victoria, TX, here are three quick tactics to help you capture leads and generate sales now.

We are in Q4 – that final push through the holiday season into the new year.  For the retail sector, Q4 is when the bulk of the year’s revenue is generated.  Many other industries experience a polar opposite seasonal downtick.

Whether Q4 is your primetime or slow down, one thing is true: every customer interaction counts. Right now, consumers all across the Golden Crescent are in the market for some product or service.  And your business undoubtedly offers something in demand at this very moment.

There are leads – hot leads – ready to engage and purchase.

If you want to finish strong to boost you into 2020, then you need the tools which will convert those leads into sales.

Here are three tactics that are sure to help you achieve your immediate goals.

Google – SEM – PPC

The first step in catching leads in the now is to have an active search engine marketing (SEM) campaign in play.  By active, we mean keywords and budgets which are monitored and adjusted in real-time.

The closer customers get towards the end of the sales conversion funnel, the more crucial it is that your brand stands out among your competitors.  That starts with top search engine rankings.

This applies to every sort of industry, including business-to-business.  Assuming you run a commercial insurance agency, an active search engine marketing campaign can most certainly benefit your short- and long-term marketing efforts – having a top-of-the-page presence for those potential business clients researching commercial policies or group life plans.

Email – Capitalize on current customers

Email marketing strategies have evolved rapidly in the past few years, allowing marketers to utilize highly-detailed consumer data in order to deliver personalized content to a hyper-specific audience.

Many businesses maintain customer contact lists, likely through a spreadsheet system.  Others may utilize a cloud-based or locally-managed customer relationship management system (CRM).  Either method allows for the collection of customer emails that can be exported and entered into mass email generating services, such as Constant Contact.

Businesses with loyalty programs and digitally-based point-of-sale systems are also able to passively collect customer emails in order to target with email marketing campaigns.

Leveraging these email lists, businesses can not only capitalize on their current base of customers, but also target non-customer email users with similar purchasing habits and preferences.

Email marketing is a quick and direct method for engaging with your current customers and potentially acquiring new opportunities in order to accomplish short-term sales goals.

Facebook – target lookalike audiences

Targeted campaigns on Facebook have become incredibly easy for marketers.  Engaging with your current audience and targeting users who fit customized data parameters can be completed with a few simple clicks.  But a more advanced tactic can help you target a vast untapped market.

Facebook’s lookalike audience feature allows a marketer to execute a hyper-targeted campaign to a segment of users whose online behaviors are similar to your existing custom audience lists.

This tactic can prove extraordinarily effective if you are trying to expand your e-commerce efforts or plan to open new locations into new markets, by targeting online users in those areas whose purchasing and browsing habits mirror your current customer base.

On their own, these tactics can result in minor successes.  Yet, in order to effectively capture a significant hold on the Golden Crescent market share, one tactic alone will not suffice.  Combining these three techniques into a single cohesive marketing campaign will help you to capture consumers who are ready to purchase, engage with those who are already loyal customers, as well as target and acquire new, lookalike leads.

Building Brands Marketing & Consulting is a full-service marketing consulting firm located in Victoria, TX serving businesses from Victoria to Katy, and the entire Gulf Coast region in between.  Our process is designed to empower your brand and outfit your business with the marketing tools needed for you to succeed. We work with you to understand your business objectives and we offer strategies that will achieve your marketing objectives.  Talk to us today about how we can support your growth, limit your turnover, and put you on a solid track toward success and profit.