6 Digital Marketing Tips in Victoria, TX in 2021

Nobody could have predicted how 2020 would change the face of marketing. Within days, businesses shut down, malls closed their doors and people stopped going out. It was a year full of Netflix marathons and toilet paper purchases. For businesses, it was a year of change.

As the world went into lockdown, businesses had to quickly rethink how they connected with their customers. Many of the traditional mediums such as trade shows and outdoor ads no longer produced the same ROI they once had.

Yet some things didn’t change. Same as every other year, it was (and still is) the year of the customer. 

When it comes to marketing, it’s no longer about pushing to persuade people to buy from your company. Instead, it is about meeting your potential customers where THEY are and producing excellent experiences that will keep them coming back.

But how?

Businesses are now forced to think of unique and different marketing strategies. Digital marketing has become the new reality. While traditional marketing will always be around and layered marketing will be effective, digital marketing has officially made its mark. So it’s time that your business starts utilizing it. Following these few tips will help your business reach all of its potential customers. 

1.) Search Engine Optimization

Consumers are telling businesses what they are wanting with every search they do. Almost a third of online consumers in the U.S. utilize the internet to search for local businesses on a daily basis. Do you know what your consumers are searching for? With a strong SEO (Search Engine Optimization) campaign, businesses can gain insight into which keywords are most popular in their industry. With a successful campaign, businesses can gain access to the top of Google, where every business should strive to be.

2.) Quality over Quantity

It’s easy to post on social media every single day, but are you considering quality over quantity? To be a leading business in your category, consumers are looking for quality content that is engaging and filled with expertise. This is the same for your website. Having one blog per month that has expert content and knowledgeable linked sources is going to provide consumers with the quality content they are searching for.

3.) Having Clear Core Values

Consumers are wanting to align themselves with businesses that share their core values. Do you pride your business on its amazing customer service? What about providing the best product in your area? Whatever you pride yourself on, you need to ensure that your consumer has access to those core values. An easy way to do this is a simple About Us section on your website where you can clearly outline your values and mission.

4.) PPC and SEO: A True Partnership

Paid advertisement and organic search results are a partnership that should not be broken. You should have a marketing strategy that includes both so you are optimizing your reach. During a complex Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign, PPC is going to get you high rankings faster, while you work on your long-term SEO. For example, if you are an insurance agent, you might focus your PPC on “insurance agent in victoria tx” because it could take months to rank in that category by just implementing SEO strategies. In recent studies, it was determined that when ad money is cut you will almost always lose your click through rate (CTR) because other brands are going to start occupying that top seat on Google.  

5.) Social Media Presence

Having a social media presence is more than just posting on your business page, it’s engaging with your current customers while increasing your reach and visibility to new audiences. Always aim to interact with your audience rather than just informing them. This can be done by simply adding a poll to your Facebook or having a fun “ask the expert” post. Find a catchy way to have your audience interact with you. The example below is a fun way that you can engage your audience with a simple game called Spot the Difference.

6.) Retargeting

You will never reach a customer with just one point of contact, you must follow the Rule of 7 and create 7 unique points of contact. Some examples of great retargeting strategies include: drip campaigns, text message campaigns, and newsletter distributions. These strategies are great to retarget consumers who have recently viewed your website or searched within the parameters of your target search. It is also important to successfully retarget the consumers who already love you. People tend to stick with companies and products they believe in, but they want to feel valued. Make sure that you are showing your previous consumers that you appreciate their support. 

Now you have a few tips to help you crush the remainder of 2021 and reach all your potential clients. Make sure you are finishing this year with a strong digital marketing presence by following these 6 marketing tips.

Building Brands Marketing, founded in 2018, is a full-service marketing consulting firm and advertising agency that has worked with businesses across South Texas on building trust, improving reputation and increasing sales. Their team of marketers, advertisers, developers, videographers, and creatives offers digital and traditional marketing services to the Gulf Coast region.

To view all services or for more information, visit buildingbrandsmarketing.com. For up-to-date marketing trends, tips, and advice search Building Brands Marketing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram.