Best Steps To Get A Google Search Results Featured Snippet

Ever dreamed of having your content at the top of Google’s search results as featured snippets? Do you understand what a featured snippet is? These “little boxes at the top of search engine results for a select key term” are VIP passes at the front page of search results, giving selected content a chance to display before the competition even gets looked at. They’re both eye-catching & click-catching, and boost your organic search visibility faster than you can say “tomatoes are a fruit because they have seeds.”

If you don’t know what a snippet is, below is a visual example from our company, Building Brands Marketing, that will make this article way easier to understand 💜


So, what’s the sauce to getting your very own featured snippet? Well, you’re in the right place because as you can see above, we have created a few ourselves. We’re going to walk you like a dog through the best steps to snag a top spot, from doing your homework with keyword research to “sprucing up your content” aka humanizing your AI text. Because let’s be real, nobody is writing 100% copy from scratch in the 21st century (any longer). Actually, let’s repeat that again before we get started so we really have that part down… Nobody is writing 100% copy from scratch in the 21st century. 

Let’s explore why featured snippets matter for your online presence, how to spot opportunities for snippet domination (mwuahaha), and the tricks to keep your content in the spotlight once you’ve made it BIG.

Do we understand the prologue? Good, let’s do this.


Why Featured Snippets Matter

With the rise of voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, featured snippets have become the go-to source for answering (mostly mobile) voice queries.

Imagine someone asking their smart speaker, “Hey, what’s the best way to make a Bundt cake?” If you’ve got the featured snippet for that query, your recipe is the one being read out loud. Simple enough? Awesome…Let’s carry on then…

Voice searches tend to be longer and more conversational. Full sentences. So, to stay ahead of the game, you need to optimize for these longer, more natural-sounding queries. It’s not just about “Bundt cake recipes” anymore online, it’s about more depth like “How do I make a moist Bundt cake that doesn’t stick to the pan?”

Bundt cake is not even a top 10 greatest cake contender, so let’s continue with our journey…

The good news with voice searches is that Google’s getting smarter by the day. Their natural language processing is improving, which means featured snippets are showing up for more human-like queries. In fact, over the last two years, we’ve seen an increase in the number of words in queries that surface featured snippets (via MOZ).

Featured snippets are a must-have in your SEO toolkit. They boost your visibility, increase click-through rates, and have the potential to put you front and center in the “voice search revolution” (nobody calls it that). 

Researching Featured Snippet Potential

Your mission on search engines is to find those golden nuggets of information that Google loves to showcase at the top of its search results.


Using Google Search Console

Google Search Console, the map to your website’s performance in the search realm. This tool is like having a crystal ball that shows you which queries are already bringing treasure seekers (aka searchers) to your website. It can also reveal queries where you’re close to potentially ranking with a featured snippet.


But… How Do I Use Google Search Console?

  1. Log into your Google Search Console account
  2. Navigate to the “Performance” report
  3. Filter for queries that have a high average position (say, top 10)
  4. Look for question-based queries or those that sound like they’re begging for a concise answer

These findings should be considered X marks the spot for potential featured snippet opportunities. Remember, featured snippets often appear when users ask questions, so keep an eye out for those “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” and “how” queries.

Third-Party SEO Tools

Now, let’s upgrade our toolkit with some high-tech gadgets. Third-party SEO tools are like having a team of expert archeologists at your disposal, each specializing in unearthing different types of SEO artifacts.

  1. Semrush

This tool has a nifty “Keyword Magic Tool” & here’s how to use it →

  • Type in your topic of interest
  • Click on “Advanced filters”
  • Filter for search terms that have featured snippets
  • Congrats to you! You’ve got a list of featured snippet opportunities related to your topic
  1. Ahrefs

This keyword report software is a great tool for featured snippets help →

  • Enter your domain
  • Go to the organic keywords report
  • Filter for keywords that have a featured snippet in the SERPs
  • You’ve just uncovered a treasure trove of opportunities to optimize existing content

These tools aren’t just about finding new opportunities, but they’re also great for spying on your competitors. Just input their domain instead of yours, and you’ll see what featured snippets they’re ranking for. It’s like peeking at their treasure map!

Manual SERP Analysis

Last but not least, you should get your digital hands a bit dirty with some good old-fashioned manual SERP analysis. In simpler terms, start using Google or Bing and search for the items you’d like to start ranking for to study their approach! 

  1. Start with a list of keywords relevant to your content
  2. Google each keyword and examine the SERP closely
  3. Look for featured snippets, “People Also Ask” boxes, and other SERP features
  4. Take note of the content format Google favors (paragraphs, lists, tables, etc.)
  5. Analyze the questions in the “People Also Ask” section for related snippet opportunities

This hands-on approach gives you valuable insights into what Google considers the most relevant and useful information for each query. It’s like reading the mind of the search engine!


By combining these three methods of Google Search Console, third-party SEO tools, and manual SERP analysis, you’re setting yourself up for featured snippet success. Remember, the key has an influence on finding questions that your audience is asking and creating content that answers those questions clearly.

We’d like to think you’re almost ready to start snippet hunting and claim your spot at the top of the search results… Time will tell… 

Content Optimization Strategies

Alright, snippet hunters (I think it’s safe to start calling y’all that now), it’s time to dive into essentials of featured snippet optimization. Imagine you’re preparing content for Google or Bing—how does it stand out and grab attention? Let’s create a strategy!


Question-Based Headers

First, let’s discuss headers. They’re essential for guiding both readers and Google to the key parts of your content. Make them questions to capture attention effectively. For example, instead of using “SEO Basics,” try “What is SEO?” This approach signals to Google that you have the answer right in your content.

A great tip is to check the “People Also Ask” section on Google for question ideas. 

Concise Answers

The answers. THAT IS WHAT MATTERS IN YOUR CONTENT. Google has a short attention span (which is weird for a robot?), so you have to keep it snappy! Avoid empty wording. Aim for that sweet spot of 40-60 words right after your question header. 

Best way to explain. It’s like speed dating search engines – you’ve got to make a great first impression, fast, and you have one shot at having your best shot.

Here’s the secret recipe 🤫

  1. Start with an “is” statement. For example, “SEO is the practice of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results.”
  2. Keep it objective. No “I think” or “In my opinion” – just the facts, ma’am!
  3. Avoid fluff. Every word should earn its place.

Remember, you’re not writing a novel. You’re giving search engines a treat to serve hungry searchers.


Supporting Details To Gain Featured Snippets Rankings

  • For paragraph snippets, follow up with more detailed explanations, examples, or data. 
  • If you’re aiming for a list snippet, break down your content into clear, bite-sized steps. 
  • For table snippets, present your data in a clean, well-organized HTML table. 
  • Adding relevant images or videos can make your content more appealing and increase your chances of snagging that featured spot.

Remember, the key has an influence on creating content that’s not just informative, but also easy for Google & search engines to digest and serve up as a featured snippet. 

Maintaining and Expanding Featured Snippet Presence

Congratulations, snippet superstar! 

You’ve secured that featured snippet, but maintaining it requires ongoing effort. Think of it as tending a digital garden—your content needs regular care to stay vibrant.

Updating your website content regularly is essential not just for freshness, but for retaining Google’s attention. This practice boosts SEO rankings, engages users, and enhances conversion rates.

Moreover, as Google introduces new search features rapidly, staying updated is crucial. Voice search, for example, is reshaping the landscape. To adapt, incorporate long-tail keywords in a conversational tone into your content. This approach keeps your content natural and engaging, ensuring it remains relevant in the evolving search environment.

Expanding Topic Coverage

Now, let’s talk about expanding your snippet empire. Remember, Google’s featured snippet algorithm is like a picky eater… it likes its answers simple and straightforward.

  1. Whip up some “what is” definitions. Google loves these like a bear loves honey!
  2. Sprinkle in some “is” statements throughout your content. They’re like little snippet magnets.
  3. Garnish with clear, concise answers right after your question headers. Aim for that 40-60 word sweet spot.
  4. For extra flavor, try reformatting your content. Turn those boring paragraphs into snazzy H2 or H3 tags. It’s like giving your content a trendy new haircut!


Featured snippets are the voice of Google Home and other smart devices. So, when you’re creating your content, ask yourself, “How would this sound if Alexa was reading it at the dinner table?” Keep it clear, keep it concise, and keep those brand names to a minimum. Nobody wants their smart speaker sounding like a walking billboard!


Monitoring Performance

Last but not least, let’s talk about keeping score. Monitoring your snippet performance is like being a sports coach – you need to know how your team is doing to make those winning plays! Set up a campaign in Moz Pro with a free trial, or similar software, for weekly or monthly reporting. It’s nice having your own personal snippet scoreboard. 

Featured snippets are like a game of digital king of the hill. You’ve got to keep pushing, keep improving, and keep your content in tip-top shape to stay on top. But with these strategies in your SEO toolkit, you’ll be ruling the snippet kingdom in no time!


Google Featured Snippet FAQs


  1. How can I secure a Google featured snippet for my content?
    • To secure a Google featured snippet, focus on crafting content that succinctly answers user queries. Utilize headers effectively and ensure your responses are within 50 to 60 characters. Additionally, addressing questions from Google’s “people also asked” section related to your keywords can enhance your chances.
  2. What steps should I take to be featured in Google search results?
    • Begin by identifying the keywords you want Google to associate with your website’s pages. These keywords can be single words or phrases. Ensure each page on your website targets a unique set of keywords to avoid internal competition.
  3. How can I make featured snippets reappear in my search results?
    • Featured snippets will reappear if the text is sufficient to generate a useful snippet. Adjust the max-snippet rule setting to a lower value to increase the likelihood of your page appearing as a featured snippet.
  4. What are some effective methods to optimize search results on Google?
    • To optimize your search results, use quotation marks for exact matches, utilize the “site:” function to search within a specific site, and exclude terms with a minus sign. You can also specify image sizes, search for specific file types, and use wildcard symbols to enhance your searches. Combining searches with logical operators like OR and AND can also be beneficial.
  5. What are the best practices for creating content that is likely to get a featured snippet?
    • Focus on creating high-quality content that directly answers user queries. Use clear headings, bullet points, and relevant information to make your content easily understandable. Place targeted keywords in your page title, headings, and within the content itself. Additionally, formatting your content with HTML tags like <h1>, <h2>, <ul>, and <ol> can help structure your content effectively.
  6. How can I optimize my content for voice search and increase its chances of appearing as a featured snippet?
    • For voice search optimization, create content that answers conversational queries in natural language. Ensure your content provides detailed responses to common questions related to your topic. Aim to satisfy the user’s intent by anticipating the information they seek and structuring your content to address those needs.
  7. What strategies can I employ to maintain and expand my presence in Google’s featured snippets?
    • Regularly update your content and expand your coverage on relevant topics to keep your information current and comprehensive. Monitor your performance in search results to identify new opportunities and adjust your strategy as needed. Focus on building authoritative backlinks and improving your page loading speed to enhance your overall website authority and performance.

Building Brands Marketing, Victoria, TX, empowers your brand with the marketing tools needed for success, offering digital marketing strategies aligned with your business objectives. Our specialization in Search Engine Optimization services (among everything else marketing) has established our national reputation of being the SEO experts. Schedule a free consultation today to discuss a digital marketing strategy made specifically for your business.

Featured snippets are like the VIP section of Google’s search results party. They sit pretty at the top, often referred to as “Position #0” because they’re even higher than the coveted #1 spot. It’s like getting a free billboard on the busiest street in town! 

Studies show that featured snippets grab about 8% of all clicks. 

You’ll Get Higher Click-Through Rates

Now, you might be thinking, “If people get their answer right there in the snippet, won’t they just move on?” Well, not quite. While it’s true that featured snippets can lead to some “zero-click searches,” they’re actually click magnets in disguise.

Featured snippets have an average click-through rate of 35%. That’s like having a third of the people who see your restaurant’s menu decide to come in and dine! And get this – one SEO agency reported that featured snippets grabbed more than a third of all clicks. That’s a lot of hungry searchers clicking through to your content buffet!

Even if someone doesn’t click right away, featured snippets are brand awareness gold. They establish your site as the go-to source for information, like the Michelin-starred restaurant of the internet. Plus, they often entice users to click for more detailed information. It’s like giving them a taste that leaves them craving the full course!

Okay, we’re going to eat something and get back to writing so we can chill on the food analogies… 

Voice Search Implications

With the rise of voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, featured snippets have become the go-to source for answering (mostly mobile) voice queries.

Imagine someone asking their smart speaker, “Hey, what’s the best way to make a Bundt cake?” If you’ve got the featured snippet for that query, your recipe is the one being read out loud. Simple enough? Awesome…Let’s carry on then…

Voice searches tend to be longer and more conversational. Full sentences. So, to stay ahead of the game, you need to optimize for these longer, more natural-sounding queries. It’s not just about “Bundt cake recipes” anymore online, it’s about more depth like “How do I make a moist Bundt cake that doesn’t stick to the pan?”

Bundt cake is not even a top 10 greatest cake contender, so let’s continue with our journey…

The good news with voice searches is that Google’s getting smarter by the day. Their natural language processing is improving, which means featured snippets are showing up for more human-like queries. In fact, over the last two years, we’ve seen an increase in the number of words in queries that surface featured snippets (via MOZ).

Featured snippets are a must-have in your SEO toolkit. They boost your visibility, increase click-through rates, and have the potential to put you front and center in the “voice search revolution” (nobody calls it that). 

Researching Featured Snippet Potential

Your mission on search engines is to find those golden nuggets of information that Google loves to showcase at the top of its search results.


Using Google Search Console

Google Search Console, the map to your website’s performance in the search realm. This tool is like having a crystal ball that shows you which queries are already bringing treasure seekers (aka searchers) to your website. It can also reveal queries where you’re close to potentially ranking with a featured snippet.


But… How Do I Use Google Search Console?

  1. Log into your Google Search Console account
  2. Navigate to the “Performance” report
  3. Filter for queries that have a high average position (say, top 10)
  4. Look for question-based queries or those that sound like they’re begging for a concise answer

These findings should be considered X marks the spot for potential featured snippet opportunities. Remember, featured snippets often appear when users ask questions, so keep an eye out for those “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” and “how” queries.

Third-Party SEO Tools

Now, let’s upgrade our toolkit with some high-tech gadgets. Third-party SEO tools are like having a team of expert archeologists at your disposal, each specializing in unearthing different types of SEO artifacts.

  1. Semrush

This tool has a nifty “Keyword Magic Tool” & here’s how to use it →

  • Type in your topic of interest
  • Click on “Advanced filters”
  • Filter for search terms that have featured snippets
  • Congrats to you! You’ve got a list of featured snippet opportunities related to your topic
  1. Ahrefs

This keyword report software is a great tool for featured snippets help →

  • Enter your domain
  • Go to the organic keywords report
  • Filter for keywords that have a featured snippet in the SERPs
  • You’ve just uncovered a treasure trove of opportunities to optimize existing content

These tools aren’t just about finding new opportunities, but they’re also great for spying on your competitors. Just input their domain instead of yours, and you’ll see what featured snippets they’re ranking for. It’s like peeking at their treasure map!

Manual SERP Analysis

Last but not least, you should get your digital hands a bit dirty with some good old-fashioned manual SERP analysis. In simpler terms, start using Google or Bing and search for the items you’d like to start ranking for to study their approach! 

  1. Start with a list of keywords relevant to your content
  2. Google each keyword and examine the SERP closely
  3. Look for featured snippets, “People Also Ask” boxes, and other SERP features
  4. Take note of the content format Google favors (paragraphs, lists, tables, etc.)
  5. Analyze the questions in the “People Also Ask” section for related snippet opportunities

This hands-on approach gives you valuable insights into what Google considers the most relevant and useful information for each query. It’s like reading the mind of the search engine!


By combining these three methods of Google Search Console, third-party SEO tools, and manual SERP analysis, you’re setting yourself up for featured snippet success. Remember, the key has an influence on finding questions that your audience is asking and creating content that answers those questions clearly.

We’d like to think you’re almost ready to start snippet hunting and claim your spot at the top of the search results… Time will tell… 

Content Optimization Strategies

Alright, snippet hunters (I think it’s safe to start calling y’all that now), it’s time to dive into essentials of featured snippet optimization. Imagine you’re preparing content for Google or Bing—how does it stand out and grab attention? Let’s create a strategy!


Question-Based Headers

First, let’s discuss headers. They’re essential for guiding both readers and Google to the key parts of your content. Make them questions to capture attention effectively. For example, instead of using “SEO Basics,” try “What is SEO?” This approach signals to Google that you have the answer right in your content.

A great tip is to check the “People Also Ask” section on Google for question ideas. 

Concise Answers

The answers. THAT IS WHAT MATTERS IN YOUR CONTENT. Google has a short attention span (which is weird for a robot?), so you have to keep it snappy! Avoid empty wording. Aim for that sweet spot of 40-60 words right after your question header. 

Best way to explain. It’s like speed dating search engines – you’ve got to make a great first impression, fast, and you have one shot at having your best shot.

Here’s the secret recipe 🤫

  1. Start with an “is” statement. For example, “SEO is the practice of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results.”
  2. Keep it objective. No “I think” or “In my opinion” – just the facts, ma’am!
  3. Avoid fluff. Every word should earn its place.

Remember, you’re not writing a novel. You’re giving search engines a treat to serve hungry searchers.


Supporting Details To Gain Featured Snippets Rankings

  • For paragraph snippets, follow up with more detailed explanations, examples, or data. 
  • If you’re aiming for a list snippet, break down your content into clear, bite-sized steps. 
  • For table snippets, present your data in a clean, well-organized HTML table. 
  • Adding relevant images or videos can make your content more appealing and increase your chances of snagging that featured spot.

Remember, the key has an influence on creating content that’s not just informative, but also easy for Google & search engines to digest and serve up as a featured snippet. 

Maintaining and Expanding Featured Snippet Presence

Congratulations, snippet superstar! 

You’ve secured that featured snippet, but maintaining it requires ongoing effort. Think of it as tending a digital garden—your content needs regular care to stay vibrant.

Updating your website content regularly is essential not just for freshness, but for retaining Google’s attention. This practice boosts SEO rankings, engages users, and enhances conversion rates.

Moreover, as Google introduces new search features rapidly, staying updated is crucial. Voice search, for example, is reshaping the landscape. To adapt, incorporate long-tail keywords in a conversational tone into your content. This approach keeps your content natural and engaging, ensuring it remains relevant in the evolving search environment.

Expanding Topic Coverage

Now, let’s talk about expanding your snippet empire. Remember, Google’s featured snippet algorithm is like a picky eater… it likes its answers simple and straightforward.

  1. Whip up some “what is” definitions. Google loves these like a bear loves honey!
  2. Sprinkle in some “is” statements throughout your content. They’re like little snippet magnets.
  3. Garnish with clear, concise answers right after your question headers. Aim for that 40-60 word sweet spot.
  4. For extra flavor, try reformatting your content. Turn those boring paragraphs into snazzy H2 or H3 tags. It’s like giving your content a trendy new haircut!


Featured snippets are the voice of Google Home and other smart devices. So, when you’re creating your content, ask yourself, “How would this sound if Alexa was reading it at the dinner table?” Keep it clear, keep it concise, and keep those brand names to a minimum. Nobody wants their smart speaker sounding like a walking billboard!


Monitoring Performance

Last but not least, let’s talk about keeping score. Monitoring your snippet performance is like being a sports coach – you need to know how your team is doing to make those winning plays! Set up a campaign in Moz Pro with a free trial, or similar software, for weekly or monthly reporting. It’s nice having your own personal snippet scoreboard. 

Featured snippets are like a game of digital king of the hill. You’ve got to keep pushing, keep improving, and keep your content in tip-top shape to stay on top. But with these strategies in your SEO toolkit, you’ll be ruling the snippet kingdom in no time!


Google Featured Snippet FAQs


  1. How can I secure a Google featured snippet for my content?
    • To secure a Google featured snippet, focus on crafting content that succinctly answers user queries. Utilize headers effectively and ensure your responses are within 50 to 60 characters. Additionally, addressing questions from Google’s “people also asked” section related to your keywords can enhance your chances.
  2. What steps should I take to be featured in Google search results?
    • Begin by identifying the keywords you want Google to associate with your website’s pages. These keywords can be single words or phrases. Ensure each page on your website targets a unique set of keywords to avoid internal competition.
  3. How can I make featured snippets reappear in my search results?
    • Featured snippets will reappear if the text is sufficient to generate a useful snippet. Adjust the max-snippet rule setting to a lower value to increase the likelihood of your page appearing as a featured snippet.
  4. What are some effective methods to optimize search results on Google?
    • To optimize your search results, use quotation marks for exact matches, utilize the “site:” function to search within a specific site, and exclude terms with a minus sign. You can also specify image sizes, search for specific file types, and use wildcard symbols to enhance your searches. Combining searches with logical operators like OR and AND can also be beneficial.
  5. What are the best practices for creating content that is likely to get a featured snippet?
    • Focus on creating high-quality content that directly answers user queries. Use clear headings, bullet points, and relevant information to make your content easily understandable. Place targeted keywords in your page title, headings, and within the content itself. Additionally, formatting your content with HTML tags like <h1>, <h2>, <ul>, and <ol> can help structure your content effectively.
  6. How can I optimize my content for voice search and increase its chances of appearing as a featured snippet?
    • For voice search optimization, create content that answers conversational queries in natural language. Ensure your content provides detailed responses to common questions related to your topic. Aim to satisfy the user’s intent by anticipating the information they seek and structuring your content to address those needs.
  7. What strategies can I employ to maintain and expand my presence in Google’s featured snippets?
    • Regularly update your content and expand your coverage on relevant topics to keep your information current and comprehensive. Monitor your performance in search results to identify new opportunities and adjust your strategy as needed. Focus on building authoritative backlinks and improving your page loading speed to enhance your overall website authority and performance.

Building Brands Marketing, Victoria, TX, empowers your brand with the marketing tools needed for success, offering digital marketing strategies aligned with your business objectives. Our specialization in Search Engine Optimization services (among everything else marketing) has established our national reputation of being the SEO experts. Schedule a free consultation today to discuss a digital marketing strategy made specifically for your business.

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