Does Quality Content Really Still Matter?

Does Quality Content Really Still Matter?

When we hear the word, “content” we almost immediately think of our favorite TikTok personalities and the videos they share. However, content really is an all-encompassing term. The umbrella of content extends from social media to website content like blogs, or even just the readability of the site, to print mediums and so much more.

With new trends and information coming out every day, you might not consider other branches of information dissemination aside from social media, but trust me – you should! Content creation is an imperative component of marketing. Even so, there is a line that separates good content from great content. With the introduction of new AI such as Chat GPT, content is easier and faster than ever to create. However, quantity does not always translate to quality, and I believe quality content is pivotal to a successful marketing campaign. Regardless of the industry you’re in, there’s always a way to take your content to the next level. After all, you put your heart and soul into your craft so your content should reflect that too, right?

Planning is Key

If it’s not clear by now, allow me to reiterate: quality content is the backbone of any successful website, social media platform, press release or advertisement – digital and print. Nevertheless, quality content doesn’t just come out of thin air; the best marketing agencies and public relations practitioners know the planning stage is something you should never skip. Implementing a strategy of practices that fully optimize what you’re putting out to your target audience will not only capture their attention but will also garner potential clients and business.

Although this may seem obvious, brainstorming is crucial. Sit down with your team and create a clear understanding of what your brand is and how you want your message conveyed. Ask yourself the following:

  • Who is our audience?
  • What type of content best serves us? Long-form or short-form?
  • Are we planning on utilizing social media? If so, what will be the goals between each platform?
  • What platforms should we be publishing our content on for the best chance of reaching our target audience?

Once you have a solid game plan, you’ll better understand your brand and the message you want your brand to send to the world. Never doubt the effectiveness of a good brainstorming session! Planning and researching is the difference between captivating content and just some words on the internet.

Switch It Up

Your audience isn’t one-dimensional, so your content shouldn’t be either. Limiting your brand to one content type will result in you losing out on a whole other audience of potential clientele and customers. For example, if you find yourself only posting on social media, but your website hasn’t been updated in a while, consider writing (or outsourcing, if writing’s not your thing) blogs. This will help your Google rankings, helping your business become more visible to users on the internet. Or, what about email marketing? Have you considered digital newsletters? Studies are showing that email marketing campaigns are 40% more effective than social media, making email a vital tool that needs to be in your arsenal of content.

Third party distributed content such as press releases are another great way to spread information about your business’s current happenings. Consider drafting a local press release for events and customer engagement; local releases also will help build a professional relationship between you (your brand) and area media contacts. Using a national press release distribution site like NewsWire can take your brand to new heights if you’re looking to reach clients on a grander scale.

All of these components make for a well-rounded marketing strategy for your business. Although you’ll use different mediums, your content should always feel connected. For example. if the tone of your branding is personable, make sure to use that throughout your content.

Stay Consistent

As creators, we often need help to come up with new and engaging content. It’s totally normal to feel like you’re hitting a roadblock every now and then, but what’s important is you continue to push forward. Having consistent, relevant content about your brand and business will help you stay in front of your audience’s faces.

In the past, you may have questioned: “Does it really matter if I update the content on my rack cards, brochures, etc.?” The answer, of course, is always yes! On top of updating the information on your content pieces, new and engaging designs will help to catch the attention of new and past clientele alike.

Most importantly, think about how often your day-to-day life changes; your life could look completely different in six months, so why would your business be any different? Consistent content updates help to build a sense of trust between you and your customers. Customers will be more inclined to trust you if they know they can rely on the information on your social media, website and print medium.

Your Brand + Our Team = Stellar Content

Content creation is no small task to undertake. There are plenty of moving parts that go into creating quality content that leave lasting impressions on the world around you. If you’re wanting to take your content up a notch, but aren’t sure where to start, contact the team here at Building Brands Marketing! Our team will strategize with you based on your organization’s needs and prepare a marketing strategy that can include press releases, blogs, website design and writing, social media content and so much more. Let our team of experts help you today!