Why Brands Need To Recognize The Value Of A Marketing Consultant

It’s almost 2020. Stressing the importance of digital media marketing is past the point of redundant. The largest online platforms – Google and Facebook – have made their interfaces so simple and user-friendly that even the unsaviest of business owners can set up and manage search engine and social media campaigns. Despite this ease, many of these already time-deprived business owners find that they simply do not have the extra hours to self-manage an active digital marketing campaign. Even less are in a position to afford a dedicated employee to figure it all out.

As a result of this sudden virtual demand over the past decade, digital marketing agencies have emerged everywhere. From small rural communities to bustling metropolitan cities, single-person start-ups to traditional media providers, have all recognized the need to become digital tech mediators between brands and consumers.

Similar to Google and Facebook’s easy-to-use systems, online review management, email marketing, and programmatic targeting platforms offer highly tailored solutions to promote brand awareness and encourage consumer engagement.

  •   -Select a few relevant keywords
  •   -Identify your ideal target audience
  •   -Go

[these] tactical solutions…were part of a bigger pitch that these agencies could help drive supposed digital transformation.”

– Shareen Pathak, Digiday

Digital strategies and tactics are driven by data. Consumers’ online habits, purchasing tendencies, social media engagement, not to mention the vast range of consumer subsets, are all utilized to deliver hyper-specific brand messages. These data-driven strategies can then be measured and compiled into campaign analytic reports, which quantify a campaign in action. Analytics showcase the in-depth, granular metrics of a campaign– engagement, demographics, etc – and become a powerful and effective tool in measuring success.

Reporting can aid your optimization efforts but doesn’t bring a direct ROI for you or the company.”

– Paul Koks, Online Metrics

Yet as exciting and appealing as campaign metrics are, the reality of analytical data is not as impressive. Campaign reports are not an end themselves and are certainly not a measure of the most crucial metric – sales.

2016 analysis of over 2000 Search Engine Marketing campaigns revealed that “71% of [Google] AdWords accounts had either no conversion tracking in place or such poor conversion tracking that they had no idea whether or not their campaigns were working.”

Although analytics may contain deep insights, they may be as relevant as a spam e-mail folder if they aren’t used to actively alter and optimize campaigns in order to increase sales conversions. Not at the end of the month. Daily.

Product, pricing, quality of sales training play a big part in the full purchase funnel.” – Avelyn Ng, Marketing-Interactive.

Perhaps most importantly, a brand marketing consultant understands from get-go that an effective campaign depends on factors beyond marketing. Every business, every product, every audience is unique. And that uniqueness is subject to change — day-by-day, hour-by-hour.

Marketing consultants actively monitor and tweak campaigns based on brand, promotion, and audience uniqueness. Not only to ensure that every penny of a marketing budget is translating into views and clicks, but ultimately that those views and clicks are further converting into bottom-line revenue.

Avelyn Ng with Marketing-Interactive further illustrates the importance of looking beyond marketing, cautioning that “marketers must move away from numbers of views and measures of engagement” and instead “leverage advanced econometric and analytics tools to map…variables such as revenue growth, profit increase and brand love.”

In the end, what matters most to brands and businesses is increasing sales. Watching social media audiences grow and seeing how many clicks a programmatic ad campaign performed are no doubt exciting. But, marketing consultants analyze the bigger picture in order to help their clients achieve bottom-line success.

Building Brands Marketing & Consulting is a full service marketing consulting firm and advertising agency located in Victoria, TX serving businesses from Victoria to Katy, and the entire Gulf Coast region in between. Our process is designed to empower your brand and outfit your business with the marketing tools needed for you to succeed. We work with you to understand your business objectives and we offer strategies that will achieve your marketing objectives. Talk to us today about how we can support your growth, limit your turnover, and put you on a solid track toward success and profile.